Improving our financial knowledge creates more choices for our best life. Learn how to become financially literate and create new habits to build a stronger financial future.

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“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give”. Winston Churchill

It is really not our level of wealth that dictates your happiness. That’s proven to be true. But we do all need the peace of mind that having just enough money brings. This means our budgeting is effective, we are putting some away for a rainy day and we have enough overall to provide for our family. Having more than our basic needs though is having real wealth. This can allow us to support others and live the life we deserve; the fulfilling and positive life that each one of us should be enjoying. At LifeBuddy, we share articles on creating wealth and tips on enjoying your money and making it work for you. Getting it all in balance allows us to focus on creating a really great life.




Finances getting on top of you?

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Tips for Financial Happiness in the new year

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Do we all judge a book by its cover? A story about financial health

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Do you believe as we do, that everyone deserves to live their very best life? Sadly, few of us have the full set of skills, knowledge and tools to life a fulfilled and positive life, and we all make mistakes and learn along the way.

Here at LifeBuddy, we are worried at the general increase in women turning to antidepressants and the significant increase in anxiety and mental health issues. But what if we could take a short-cut to a happier life?

What if we could access a variety of useful, helpful tools, information and ‘how to’ guides that will enable us to create a great life and make the rest of our life, the best of our life? Join us now and receive regular updates on the latest information for living our best life.